One Sitting Exam

Alternative to a Single Sitting Course

There are a variety of distance learning options that students can utilize in lieu of a single sitting degree. Accredited colleges and universities offer classes during evenings, weekends, online, and by mail that a student can plan and complete around an existing work schedule or other commitments. Distance learning programs are offered in a wide variety of disciplines in the liberal arts and the sciences. Distance learning requires that a student be highly motivated and able to study independently while maintaining a self-designed study regimen. Students who take distance learning classes must discipline themselves, since there is no daily interaction with students and teachers, nor any requirement to attend classes. For students who are able to self- direct their studies, distance learning is a good option.

Eligibility for Single Sitting Course

If the student had earlier been a student of the first year or second year or third year of a programme in a recognized college or School of distance education or directorate or institute of correspondence courses of a recognized university and had discontinued for whatever reason, he/she is eligible for One sitting admission to the second year or third year of the name programme respectively.

Institute Examinations
Institute examinations are conducted twice a year in May/June and December/January at specified examination centers.

Self Learning Materials

Printed materials are the primary form of instructional materials. These are supplied to the candidates in the form of booklets. The printed material would be sufficient to the extent of about 75% to 80% to write any assignment responses and prepare of the term-end examinations.


The application for Re-totaling /Revaluation must be made within 15 days from the receipt of the statement of marks. The fee prescribed for Re-totaling per paper is Rs 300 and for revaluation is 350.