


E-learning—and, by extension, e-teaching—can be defined as the use of ICT in higher education, which aims mainly the independent use of technology by students.

“The Institute operates at three tiers of education, namely, the integrated first diploma/certificate programmes, higher diploma/certificate programmes, & the Engineering diploma/certificate programmes. All programmes in the institute are designed to allow as much components of science & Applied science as are necessary for the graduates of the programmes to function effectively & efficiently in the technological society. All programmes contain certain structural commonality & the common courses are operated together irrespective of the clientele who are required to take the courses”.

Our classes are held online, in Virtual Classrooms over the Internet, and are scheduled on early mornings on weekdays and weekends, giving you the flexibility to fit your education into your unique schedule.
They can be attended from your home, with access to a computer and a broadband connection. Should you miss your class on any given day, you may view it in a recorded format at any time of your convenience later.

Typically, a student will need to put in 6-8 hours of classroom time per month, spread over a 2 hour session every Week. The IEMS Education System though flexible, is very demanding. The course schedule is rigorous and asks for total commitment and dedication from the students.

E-learning includes all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching, including educational technology. The information and communication systems, whether networked learning or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. This often involves both out-of-classroom and in-classroom educational experiences via technology, even as advances continue in regard to devices and curriculum.