Case Study


Case Studies Examination Structure

The Case Studies Examination is not all about to copy the answer from any of the reference book but it about how you apply information and knowledge. The examinations given by the students in a definite time period by allowing opening and writing from their textbooks were operationalized as the Case Studies Based examination. Case Studies Based exams allow you to take notes, texts or resource materials into an exam situation. Case Studies Based exams test your ability to find and apply information and knowledge. They are often used in subjects requiring direct reference to written materials, like law statutes, statistics or acts of parliament.

Structure of Case Studies Question Paper

Maximum Marks 100 (for all category of courses)
Duration 15 Days(for all subjects of relevant term)
Distribution of questions Uniform coverage of practical and real life
Percentage of Descriptive Questions 10%
Percentage of Analytical Questions 90%


Question Paper will contain 2 parts, viz. Part A & Part B

Part A: Short questions (all compulsory):

Total marks 15
Marks per question of First Five 01
Number of questions 15
Type of questions Memory based (descriptive)


Part B: Long questions (With choice): Student is required to attempt any 6 questions out of 10

Total marks 60
Marks per question 10
Number of questions 10
Memory based (Descriptive) questions 01
Analytical questions 09


End Term Practical Exams:

Maximum Marks 25
Split of marks will be as follows:
Execution 15 marks
Written 10 marks